My 2-month internship has officially come to an end intertwining with unforgettable memories. Words are unable to describe how grateful and happy I am to be offered a chance to work at SportyMind Vietnam. Although the internship was more challenging than I expected, with the help of my mentor and colleagues I managed to get all the tasks done. Moreover, I acquired lots of experience and knowledge.

At first, we were given the task to translate a book from English to Vietnamese. According to the CEO of SportyMind, we are one of the few translators who have encountered with this uncommon topic, betting. This put pressure on me and my friends; we have never learned or read about this topic before. In the beginning, I found this topic too difficult and demanding for an intern translator. However, I considered this a perfect opportunity to learn more about translating different topics. Besides, the more I read the more I found out new terms which I have never known before. Most terms are not available in Vietnamese, so we worked together to give those terms proper Vietnamese definitions based on their English meanings. Whenever I and my colleagues felt that we could not get to the bottom of the issue, our mentor in this internship Mr. Tin was willing to help. He came to the office at least once a week to clarify the terms and give us recommendations about our work. 

During the internship, I realized that working as a translator not only requires concrete background knowledge relating to several topics but also demands proper selective reading skills. Moreover, being patient is a must; we had to read a lot and spent hours searching for data and information we needed. 

All the credits go to my colleagues, they are really helpful, enthusiastic and committed. Without their help, I would never complete the work during the internship. Due to the Corona outbreak, we had to work from home during the last two weeks. This was the most memorable thing for me. We held a meeting online every day and guaranteed that we kept up with the workload. Finally, we effectively finished our work and ended the 2-month internship period. Surely, all the experiences I gained from the internship will benefit my up-coming translation career.

Minh Nhat


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