Call for Teaching Assistants
ALEKS Project invites applicants for teaching assistant positions at Nguyen Du and Dinh Thien Ly Secondary Schools. The project uses ALEKS, and duties of the teaching assistants include
- Attend all training courses to understand the teacher's role and needs of support while running the class using ALEKS (Specific training schedule for July and the starting date of tutoring in August will be inform later);
- Learn how to use ALEKS under the role of students and teachers;
- Learn about the role of teaching assistants in supporting teachers;
- How to interact with students;
- Support teacher's calls for ALEKS with a McGraw Hill or ASU technician;
- Prepare a computer lab before ALEKS classes start.
Each student will be in charge of one class as a teaching assistant. Two classes will be applied with ALEKS in Nguyen Du Secondary School, and 7 classes in Dinh Thien Ly Secondary School, so the project will need 9 students.
Please register by the following link
Registration deadline: 15:00 July 5, 2019