Apart from traditional cash payment, online payment has been officially implemented at https://e-bills.vn/pay/hcmute. With student’s ID codes, students can now check their payments, tuition debt and choose proper payment methods.
1. Free-service payments via banks directly connected with the University (BIDV, ACB, Agribank)
- BIDV and ACB payments: students do their payments directly via Internet Banking when choosing “Payment”
- Agribank payment: students will enter the payment code , which is sent to them after choosing “payment”, in Internet Banking or E-Mobile Banking.
2. VNPAY Payment
- Service fee: 12.000 VND/ transaction
- Payment via QR VNPAY: do payment via Mobile Apps associated with VNPAY
- Payment via ATM and banking accounts: do payment with Internet Banking whose banks are associated with VNPAY.
- Currently, VNPAYQR is conducting its incentive program, 200.000 VND of discount with QR payment for school tuition (at least 3.000.000) with VNPAYDHSPKT code, expiring on July, 30 2021.
- Guidelines of payment and incentive program are in the attached file.
3. Advantages of online payments
- It is more convenient and time-saving for students.
- Parents or relatives can conveniently and easily conduct the payments in place of students.
- Multi-bank cards can be used for payments and tuition checking.
- School tuition debt will be automatically erased with successful transactions.