Course Title


Course Code




Program Level

Instruction Language

Requirement in Business English Program

Applicable for Business English Program

Semester in Business English Program



This course provides students with a basic knowledge of investment analysis and procedures for evaluating activities of domestic and international investment. The course enables students to make forecasts for changes in the field of investment. Students have the opportunity to practice analyzing the effectiveness of investment activities.


Goals Goal description
G1 Basic knowledge of investment analysis such as rate of return and risk, allocation and management of asset portfolios, stock markets and capital markets
G2 Theoretical knowledge of investment which students can apply in practice
G3 Communication skills and teamwork collaboration
G4 1. Ability to apply knowledge in the field of investment analysis and evaluate alternative investments and investment selection
2. Ability to analyze financial statements and investment opportunities in English

Learning Outcomes

G1 1. Explain basic concepts of investment analysis including the relationship between the rate of return and investment risk (asset allocation, portfolio investments, financial statements, and the stock market and stock index)
2. Describe the process of investment analysis, portfolio management, financial statements and the importance of asset allocation
G2 1. Analyze situations in the field of investment analysis
2. Analyze and forecast risks and return on portfolio management, evaluate the effectiveness of portfolios, securities and asset allocation
G3 1. Develop communication skills and present reports in the field of investment analysis
2. Develop teamwork collaboration 
G4 1. Recognize the important role of investment analysis in the business environment
2. Identify appropriate investment approaches to manage the portfolio investment effectively
3. Make financial statements and evaluate the portfolio investment
4. Evaluate the market and outline the plans for investments
5. Evaluate the effectiveness of investment options in simulation situations


1. Frank K. Reilly and Keith C. Brown (2012). Investment analysis and Portfolio Management (10th ed.). Cengage Learning, USA.
2. Richard A. DeFusco Et. Al (2007). Quantitative Investment Analysis Work Book (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Canada.


Types Percentage
Weekly Minitests 10
Assignments 15
Mid-term tests 10
Presentation/Project 15
Final exam 50