If you are ready to ignite your creativity and social impact, seize the opportunity to join the MSU CASE CAMP 2024!
Mahasarakham University (MSU), established in 1967, is a public and progressive university located in the heart of the Northeast of Thailand. It is offering up to 4 scholarships to HCMUTE undergraduate students in participating in its MSU CASE Camp 2023. CASE stands for creative and social enterprise.
MSU CASE Camp is organised by the Office of General Education, Mahasarakham University (MSU). The Camp aims to: 1) help MSU and international students explore and develop their creative and social enterprise competencies; and 2) help MSU and international students build an inclusive, engaging, and sustainable creative and social enterprise community where they share their ideas, knowledge, and experience with one another and with the experts in the fields of creative enterprise and social enterprise accordingly.
General information:
- Camp dates: August 1-10, 2024
- Venues: MSU & Udon Thani, Thailand
- Camp organiser: Language Center, Office of General Education, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
Scholarship includes:
- Lodging (shared room) during the camp
- Meals (breakfast & lunch) during the camp
- Transportation during the camp (We travel by coach during The Camp.)
Students are responsible for the following:
- Their pocket money
- Roundtrip tickets from their countries to Thailand, including a bus ride to Mahasarakham/flight to Khon Kaen Airport (July 31) and from Chiang Mai International Airport (August 10)
- Health & Accident Insurance Plans (Students are liable for medical treatment expenses during their participation at the Camp.)
Eligibility Criteria
- Being Vietnamese undergraduate students currently studying HCMUTE
- Having a good command of English language
- Being able to participate in the entire program
- Demonstrating leadership, solidarity, and social maturity by being actively involved in community or university activities
- Showing skills and achievements beyond the area of academics
- Demonstrating interest in exploring social and creative enterprises.
Tentative program
- Day 0 (July 31): Campers travelling to MSU (Pick up services at Khon Kaen Airport and Mahasarakham Bus Station)
- Days 1-3 (August 1-3) @ Mahasarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand
- Day 1: Ice-breaking & Campus Tour
- Day 2: CASE Talks
- Day 3: Business Model Canvas Workshops
- ...
- Days 4-10 (August 4-10) in Udon Thani, Thailand
- Day 4 (August 4): Visit Udon Organic Farm (You can check out their social media for more inspiration)
- Day 5 (August 5): Visit Samuay & Sons (You can check out their social media for more inspiration)
- Day 6 (August 6): Visit Gaia Ashram (You can check out their social media for more inspiration)
- Day 7-8 (August 7-8): Business Model Competition Preparation (Money prizes: 4,000 THB, 3,000 THB, 2,000 THB, and 1,000 THB)
- Day 9 (August 9): Business Model Competition
- Day 10 (August 10): International students from outside of Thailand leave Chiang Mai by plane while MSU students depart for MSU by coach
- Registration is open at <here >
- Registration deadline: 21 April 2024
Selection process
Round 1:
- Candidates are asked to fill in a form and create a 1-minute video, informing us about the reasons why you want to participate in the MSU CASE Camp.
- The round's total score will consist of the points earned from both the form filling (50%) and the video clip submissions (50%). 8 candidates with the highest total score will be selected to Round 2.
- Submitted videos will be uploaded to FLL’s Fanpage (https://www.facebook.com/dhspkt.khoangoaingu) on 23 April 2024. Here are the rules for counting points applied on FLL’s Fanpage:
1 Like/Reaction = 1 Point
1 Public share = 2 Points
Round 2:
- A selection panel from FFL will interview 8 chosen candidates from 29 April to 5 May 2024.
- Scholarships awarded will be announced on 7-8 May 2024
Contact for further information
Nguyễn Thị Khánh Phương