Course Title


Course Code




Program Level

Instruction Language

Requirement in Business English Program

Applicable for Business English Program

Semester in Business English Program



This course equips students with marketing research knowledge and skills, such as marketing research process, problem definition, research methodology, questionnaire design, data collection methods, and data analysis and interpretation. Learners can develop their report writing and presentation skills via this course.


Goals Goal description
G1 Knowledge of marketing research process, problem definition, research methodology, questionnaire design, data collection methods, and data analysis and interpretation
G2 The ability to do marketing research using appropriate research methods
G3 Group presentation skills and communication skills
G4 The ability to identify the targets of a marketing research and propose appropriate plans to achieve them

Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes Description

Recognize the marketing research process and define the research problem

Distinguish different kinds of research methods and select an appropriate one, as well as use appropriate tools in marketing research


Design a questionnaire in doing marketing research

Collect and process research data, and write a report for marketing research projects

G3 Demonstrate teamwork skills and communication skills

Recognize the role of English in doing marketing research

Identify the targets of a marketing research, and propose an appropriate plan to conduct it effectively

Design the procedures of a marketing research 

Do a marketing research in accordance with proper procedures

Classify technological tools and use them properly in doing marketing research


Malhotra, N. (2012). Basic marketing research: Integration of social media (4th ed.). Pearson Education.

Pallant, J. (2013). SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS. McGraw-Hill.

Zikmund, W., D’Alessandro, S., Winzar, H., Lowe, B., & Babin, B. (2014). Marketing research (3rd Asia Pacific ed.). South Melbourne: Cengage Learning.


Forms Weight
Homework assignments 10%
Project/Written report 20%
Group presentation 20%
Research report 50%