According to the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs, all students of the 2018 cohort must have their high school degree examined. Below are steps that class monitors must follow:
1. Get the student list at the office of FFL, Room A1 – 401.
2. Collect students’ high school degrees (both the original and a copy).
Note: Students check information in the student list for any changes needed and sign in the “Place of issue” column.
3. Arrange the degrees in alphabetical order.
4. Bring the degrees to the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs (Ms. Thư, Room A1-204) for examination. Degrees will be returned on the same day.
Notes: Working time is from 8.30am to 10.30, Monday – Friday. The examination will be conducted from 28 December 2020 to 8 January 2021.
For further information, contact Ms. Thư at Room A1-204 or via email (